Sinus Shop Vac

Right now that's exactly what I'd like to have... a shop-vac to suck out my sinuses.  I'm on the dwindling end of a pretty major head cold, so I know I'm getting better.  But I've still got so much congestion it's making me feel as though there is not a single pin dot of light at the end of this snot filled tunnel. 

Graphic, yes. Get over it.

I am feeling a bit better today than I did yesterday and definitely better than every day since I started getting sick.  But I've got a ways to go.  I just gotta get this sinus crud to break up and get out of me.

Nose goblins be gone!

But seriously... I just want to be able to feel tip top for this weekend, which is when my sister and bestie are throwing my baby shower. 

Speaking of baby, today I had a check-up with the midwife.  Everything is going swell with her, the midwife said she probably doesn't even realize I've been sick as a dog out here.  Although I'm sure she is getting annoyed with all the noisy coughing and nose blowing.  I swear I startled her a few times with the nose blowing, enough to make her jump and jiggle my belly. 

The midwife listened to her heartbeat over the Doppler device as usual, good and strong and steady as always.  She felt my belly and determined that baby girl is still in the head down position and is growing at a normal pace.  I'm measuring right on track at 33 weeks.

After all the clinical stuff was out of the way she and I discussed delivery day.  I've been doing a lot of reading and research and making decisions with my hubby about how and where to go about giving birth to our sweet little angel face.  I had originally planned a hospital birth because, well, the hospital is less than 5 minutes away from my house and is super convenient. 

But after all my researching and such I've decided that I want to have as natural and drug-free a labor and birthing experience as possible and I want to do it at the Birth Center.  So we discussed this today and decided that I was (at this point) a prime candidate for it.  You have to meet certain criteria in order to be allowed to use the Birth Center and luckily so far I meet all requirements.  Of course, things are subject to change and I may end up at the hospital anyway. 

But for right now the plan is to give birth at the Birth Center.  After my appointment my midwife called the Birth Center and spoke with the nurse on duty to see if I could come down to take a tour of the facility.  She was free and welcomed me on down. 

So I drove over and took the tour.  Not like it was much to tour.  It's a house, set up much like any one's house would be.  Living room, kitchen, birthing/bedrooms and baths.  It's a nice comfortable cozy space that feels more homey than hospital and will give me the kind of setting I want for a relaxed natural birth. They do have emergency medical equipment and all the stuff they need "just in case" of course, except things like drug interventions such as the Pitocin, Epidural, etc.  

Which is part of the appeal for me, not having readily available access to the drugs, as someone who wants to avoid medical interventions if at all possible. If something should go wrong or I get to the point where I just can't keep going without some help, they will transport me to the hospital where I can receive those types of interventions.  So it's not like I don't have the option.  But I don't want to be in a place where nurses and doctors are coming in trying to convince me to get this or that done to ease my discomfort.

So now that I have talked to my midwife, toured the facility and am certain that is the route I want to go, I have to wait for the billing lady to confirm that my insurance will cover it. If/when that clears I then have to take the birthing classes, which are supposed to start next month.  Then it's just the waiting game. 

My estimated due date is St. Patrick's Day.  But I'm starting to wonder if she's gonna hang in there that long.  I swear she feels like she's the size of a 3 year old already. And strong?! Holy cow some of her kicks and punches feel like I've got a well trained MMA fighter in there.  But according to the midwife, she's right on track size wise.  So we shall see.


june in florida said…
Hope you get better soon, at least the little one is ok and kicking.

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