Slowly But Surely

I'm feeling even better today than yesterday.  Today is a 7 whereas yesterday was maybe a 5 and compared to Saturday, which registered in the negatives on the "feel good" scale, it's a drastic improvement. 

I just gotta get rid of this congestion.  I purchased a new saline nasal rinse system to replace the one I murdered in a microwave sterilization incident yesterday.  I tried to use it once in the afternoon but it was a no go.  In order for those to work properly you have to have clear enough passages in both nostrils for the water to pass from one side to the other.  I don't have that yet.  I have brief moments of dual clarity which never last long enough for me to prepare a rinse and use it.  So I'll just have to keep waiting for the right timing to get started on flushing my system. 

In the meantime I'm considering taking stock in Kleenex.

But the good news is that so far the cold doesn't appear to have morphed into a sinus infection.  At least, not yet.  I don't even know if there are any antibiotics I can take while pregnant for such an infection.  And I'm not sure that I really want to start pumping those sorts of things into my babies body before she is even born.  She's already exposed to Tylenol on a semi regular basis, which I hate.  But it's a necessary evil sometimes.

 Right now I'm trying to get myself motivated to get showered and dressed and get some errands run.  I have a short list of things that must get accomplished but I have a long list of things I could be doing that don't require me getting out of my pajamas or leaving the house. Ya know, important things like finishing up watching X-Files on Netflix or applying lotion to my expanding belly.

But I must get out and get some things done so I don't feel like a complete lump when hubby comes home and asks what I did today.  


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