
I've learned recently that some folks feel like I'm bombarding them with words. Some have commented that I'm long winded and that my blogs are excessive in content.

Well boo hoo!

If you don't want to read long blogs, then move along. I'm not forcing anyone to read my blog. Heck, as much as it thrills me to know I have a small following of readers, it's not like I actually ever expected anyone to actually read my crap.

And if you find my entries too long, then I say again, move along. Find something else to read. I don't care. I write how I think and I think A LOT.

That's just me.

Like it or leave it, baby.

On that note, I will also mention in reference to the title of this blog that it was insanely windy down here in the great states of Tennessee and Arkansas both yesterday and today. My word! I was blown all over the road, especially yesterday when my overall gross weight was much less than today. But even at about 77K today, I was having trouble keeping it between the lines.

I don't even want to imagine the horrors endured by the poor folks up in the Dakota's where that bastard blizzard just blew through, dumping 4 feet of snow, with 50+ MPH gusts of winds. 50+ MPH WINDS... creating 20+ foot snow drifts!


It's that time of year though. I'm not looking forward to driving in my first real snow of the season. I'm sure it's not too far off. Especially heading up into the northeast again. I grabbed a load today which I'm hauling into Jersey. I hate Jersey. But the place I'm going to is actually pretty rural so it might not be as bad as the city.

I just hope I can make it far enough tomorrow so that on Sunday, delivery day, I can drop and have a good solid 7 hours left on the day to run, and get the heck out of Jersey. But of course, with my luck, it'll be crummy freight in that area and I'll be on the long list of "waiting to get a load" drivers.


But such is life.

Well my Internet is acting all screwy and I'm actually pretty pooped. I want to get an early start tomorrow so I can be stopped by 4 pm. I gotta rock out to about 500 to 550 miles tomorrow... which for some other "super truckers" I know is small potato's... but I'm lazy and hate going more than 475.

So there... have a great night!


Anonymous said…
Gi-Gi, I don't comment but enjoy your blog very much,especially the "long winded ones". Be safe.
Anonymous said…
Keep 'em coming gi-gi. Long or short I have enjoyed your ramblings for a while. Thanks for taking the time to share your life with us.
Anonymous said…
Gi-Gi ... keep writing just like you are. I enjoy your writing. I agree with you, if people don't like reading your longer blogs, then they can move on. Don't change and be safe out there.
Anonymous said…
You tell'em Gi-Gi!!! Keep up the great blog enjoy reading it.

Anonymous said…
Gi-Gi, long time follower of your blog AND actually a professional writer. So, first, your attitude is spot on. Write what you feel and use as many words as you like.

Second, it's good stuff. Keep it coming.

Oh, and good luck with the snow--be safe.
The Daily Rant said…
I actually LOVE the long posts - that's one of the reasons I like reading you. Of course, I'm WAY behind since I've been out of the country since November 3rd!! I'm just catching up.

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