The Follow Up

Well the appointment went well. My stitches were removed and the surgeon told me that pathology said my gallbladder had been "grossly inflamed" but there were no stones to speak of. Which is good but kinda neither here nor there now that that bastard is out of my body. She told me she felt I was healing up well and to just keep taking it easy with lifting and such until I feel that my muscles can handle it.

I am released to return to work next week. I'm really nervous about going back actually. I know I can do the sit and drive part, with only mild discomfort. But there are a few physical demands I'm afraid of causing a problem. One being the securement of wheelchairs (which is very physical and requires me to contort and manipulate my body in ways that might prove painful) and the other being the demanding hours I'll be working.

Of course I'm also quite worried about dietary and digestive changes affecting my ability to drive uninterrupted by the need to use the restroom (and pronto). It's not a daily occurrence at this point but my bowels haven't quite adjusted to life post-gallbladder. And I'm finding that every couple of days I'm being plagued with the D's in such a drastic manor as to keep me posted like a sentinel outside the bathroom door.

The doctor said to just watch my liquid intake and use Imodium as needed to keep things in check. But the bad part about that is that I'm a camel and drink like one AND Imodium, while it keeps the D's at bay, for me it keeps all movements at bay for uncomfortable amounts of time and could be disastrous when I have to give in and take the anecdote to loosen things up again.

But I'll just have to see what happens. When I hit the streets again on Monday I'll just watch what I eat and drink and hope for the best. I guess I could always get some Depends just in case! hahahaha


Belledog said…
Hey, if Depends have worked for astronauts.

(I know, sane or not.)

Hope you're having a lovely Labor and recovery (from gallbladder) weekend.


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