Uncertainty & Smiles
So last week at work I returned from my two day Thanksgiving break to find the day room smothered in Christmas decorations. There was one lone driver sitting in the day room when I arrived. I went to the dispatchers office, checked in and then made my way into the day room for a minute to get my things in order before heading out to the bus when I commented on the decorations. "Looks nice, but I wonder if they plan on adding any Hanukkah decorations?" The other driver looked up at me over the brim of his glasses, pulling his nose out of his newspaper long enough to say, "I never too you for a Jew, a Nazi maybe, but not a Jew." I was too shocked to come back with anything clever. All I said, after a long awkward pause was... "Who me? Really?" And then I exited the building. I really am still not sure how to take it. Compliment? Insult? or was he just trying to be funny? My husband thinks it was his way of just making a joke. I tend to think it's a...