Oh, Canada!

Dear Canada,

Bonjour! You know you always keep me too long. I had planned on staying with you this time for maybe two days, not four. But I do appreciate all of the beautiful things you showed me this trip. The fall colors are just splendid this time of year, aren't they? And the folks in Montreal, even though they barely (if at all) spoke English, treated me much better than those horrible folks in Toronto. Quebec and Ottawa were both lovely too. And I had the pleasure of learning how to read some French, thanks to the fact that you mark everything in French with absolutely NO English translation. Merci!

I also got a lot of good laughs out of you this trip, Canada dear. The signs along your highways and by-ways always crack me up. Like the night danger signs for the deer and moose. That crazy stalking moose looks like he's ready to just meader out in front of your car or truck and then look at you, daring you to keep rolling! hahaha Not to mention the leaping deer sign... I want to meet one of those happy leaping deer. I bet they're just as nice as Montreal-ians.

With the beautiful country side and the people and the funny signs, this has been my best trip to Canada yet. Of course it's only my second, but still! The best yet! And I promise to come back again in the future. But hopefully not until after the freezing weather has passed and the temperature is over 2 degrees celcius. Brrrr *shiver*.

P.S. Tell the folks that live at 383 Quinn Road that I'm sorry for sitting in front of their house for nearly two hours waiting for help from the police. But let them know that I enjoyed their dog and their cows very much.

Au Revoir,

Gi-Gi Roxx - Canadienne at Heart.

Some of you think I've been MIA. Freakin' out because my cell phone was turned off for a couple of days and I haven't been online in like a week! OMG, gimme a break! haha I love you all dearly but when I'm in Canada... I'm not reaching out to touch anyone. It cost me nearly an arm AND a leg my first trip up here, a $200 cell phone bill was my final "au revoir" from Canada after that one. I didn't know it was charging me .45 cents a minute to talk to folks in the states. UGH! So this time, I changed my voice mail message and turned that sucker off. I only used it to call my company when I had an emergency, and then to dial 911. Yeah, that's a whole other blog! haha

But I am glad to be back in the states and I did truly have a great time in Canada. With a very few exceptions, it was a smooth and enjoyable trip. I just hate it that it always takes me 3-5 days to get in and out of there. But that's the way it goes!

Till next time...


Anonymous said…
hey roxx, i just want to say welcome to canada. i hope you enjoyed you're trip through ottawa. that's where i'm from. keep up the good work on your blog. I enjoy reading it. maybe on day i'll see ya on the road.

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