
I am admittedly and prematurely very nervous about my load tomorrow. I pick up near Richmond, VA and am heading into my home state of WV to deliver the load same day.
Sounds pleasant enough, right?

It's not. The route I have to take is going to be lovely... yet treacherous. It's all state routes through very winding hills and dales. It's going to be a real test of my trucking abilities. I learned to drive a truck with a 48 footer behind it on roads similar to what I will be driving on tomorrow. But not nearly as trying as a 53 footer. I'm nervous. But I will be fine. That's why I'm a "professional".

I will just transcribe my jitters into confidence and know that I will be just fine as long as I am smart and careful in every twist and turn. Take it slow and easy.

The crappy part is after I deliver, I will not make it all the way home before my hours run out. So I will have to be in WV but not home for one more night.

But this also works to my advantage. I will have to drive to get home on Friday morning, which means I will have worked that day. So my 4 days off don't officially start until Saturday.

And since I just made an appointment with a tattooist for Tuesday, this works out well.

I'm gonna get started on my sleeve finally. It's gonna be a long, expensive process. But I've been searching for an artist for a while now and this guy has not only displayed excellent original and custom artwork and has also been featured in a top rated tattoo magazine. So I am going to take the plunge. Woo hoo! Wish me luck! haha

Well I need to get going and grab some dinner and then maybe relax with a movie. I don't have to rush off anywhere in the morning, so I may be back online in the AM. If not, then it'll be sometime when I get home again. If you're lucky. haha



Anonymous said…
Hey Gi-Gi. Make sure you post some pics of the new tat when you get it. Have fun and have a great Memorial day. -TT
GoGo said…
Ya, pictures.

More pictures!
Decorina said…
Hey GiGi, thanks for listing my blog. Viewer traffic has (finally) picked up over there. And it looks like it is coming from here!

Thought of you yesterday - on my way to Grand Junction from Denver on I-70. They made all the trucks take Loveland Pass instead of letting us through Eisenhower tunnel. Whew!!! Now THAT is a challenge. A parade of trucks, miles long, snaking around the hairpin turns at about 10,000 feet elevation. On my return hundreds of trucks were parked by the side of I-70 westbound waiting for the tunnel to reopen. Coming back I had a 53' side dump trailer...if I thought I'd have to drag it over Loveland Pass I'd have rented a car for the return. And don't ask about the ancient KW tractor. Long story I should probably rant about later.

Say, if you ever get to Denver area I'd love to meet up with you!
Angela said…
If I ever get to Denver, I'll give you a shout (if a shout on blogger can be made). I rarely get out west, but if I do... you betcha!

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