x-mas eve

Fatigue and exhaustion is taking it's toll. My whole body aches beyond the point of tolerance. I slept for a solid 10 hours and if it weren't for my back screaming in pain, I'd go back for a few more hours. I may still yet nap today.

I called in sick late last night. I hated to do it, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. And since I know people I work with will read this, I will apologize for the inconvenience which my absence today has created. But with the absolute exhaustion I'm dealing with (as I know many of my coworkers are too) I just can't justify risking the lives of so many today.

I'll not be spending this day with my family nor friends. I will certainly not be spending it in any form of actual merriment. I will be taking regularly scheduled doses of Tylenol, sitting to rest when my body screams for me to do so, using ice packs when and where needed. I will likely nap at least once, maybe even twice between bursts of minute activity.

I don't expect this day to be enjoyed. And I truly do feel terrible for having called in. But I also feel that had I not, this x-mas eve could have had disastrous consequences.

So on that note I bid thee good tidings.


Belledog said…
GiGi: I hope you are feeling better. Definitely something going around here in central Virginia.

Happy holidays, and may you be celebrating them soonest.

june in florida said…
Happy New year GiGi.

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