7 Months (and then some)

I nearly forgot, Leelu turned 7 months last Friday.  She had a doctors appointment on the 10th which I think I may have mentioned before.  She was 15 lbs and 24.5 in. tall. 

We went for her 6 month vaccinations last week also.  She got the last rounds of her recurring 2 month shots and won't need more of those until she's a year old.  She also got the flu shot, which we have to go back next month for the second part of for her.  Apparently babies have to get the flu shot in two parts, but only the one time.  Not sure of the reasoning behind it but whatever. 

I also go my flu shot that day.  I thought if I went first and got my shot while Leelu watched, then she would take her shots a little better.

No such luck.  She couldn't have cared less that I was getting a shot but then acted like it was the end of the world when it was her turn. 

Cry baby. (i keed i keed)

Of course, after it was all over she was peachy.  Her 4 month shots were way worse, she cried for a good half hour after those and was cranky all the rest of the day.  Her 2 month shots weren't terrible, she cried for a few minutes and then slept most of the day.  This go 'round, she cried for a couple minutes, smiled and giggled and played the rest of the day as if nothing happened.

Me, on the other hand, I had it rough.  My arm got sooooo sore from my shot.  It hurt so bad that even having the sheets over my arm that night at bedtime made it ache like crazy.  I have never had a problem with the flu shot like that.  I've gotten it for years and can't recall ever having it hurt like that afterwards. 

But oh well, I'm protected and she's protected and that's what counts.

They could have at least given me a sticker or sucker or something... I was so brave.


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