Sleeping Starfish
I have to put last night in the baby book as the first time Starfish slept through the night. After some seriously horrible tantrums during the day yesterday mixed with having barely slept from 3am yesterday until we put her down last night at 11pm, I imagine she must've been so exhausted that sleep just couldn't be fought any longer. I was at my wits end, crying while she cried, wondering what I was or wasn't doing right when the hubby came home from his class last night around 9pm. I was just as exhausted as the little one was, maybe more so, because while she got in a few 30 minute naps (and by few I mean three all day long) I was searching for the next thing to try to calm her when she would inevitably wake up screaming. I also managed to get the bed linens washed, dried and the bed remade, get the dishes done and make myself grilled chicken on the George Foreman (my only real meal of the day yesterday). I tried once to lay down and nap while she did but that w...