Productively Unproductive

It's honestly the most amazing day weather wise today.  But I'm sitting in the nursery on my behind doing nothing more than surfing the interwebs and bouncing my little sleeping Starfish in her bouncy seat trying to keep her in nap mode for as long as I can. 

But I feel productive. 

Or that is, I feel like I could be productive. 

Something about the onslaught of autumn makes me feel like doing stuff.  Typically, people get that urge in the spring time after a long, hard winter.  But me? Not so much.  At least not until that crisp air, light breeze, and the scent of summer dying off fills the world around me.

I was sitting here looking at another mothers blog and started on the seemingly endless search for ideas for someones First Birthday which is just a little over 6 months away.  Seems like I have plenty of time for planning something photographically fabulous, but really one can never have too much time to plan for something that will only happen once in her first born babe's life. 

I've found some really great ideas.  And I got myself in a crafty mood.  Not that I'll actually do anything crafty today, no... probably not.  But the ideas are planted in my brain and will fester and grow until I finally decide to try something out.

Doesn't hurt that Martha Stewart is on PBS in the background either.  That woman, while personally uninspiring to me, is a creative genius.  I often wonder if she really comes up with that stuff on her own or is just paid to be the face for a never ending list of actual craft goddesses. 

I'm rambling aren't I?


I need a good cup of hot cocoa, a few toasted marshmallows and a cozy sweater today. 

Instead I'm in my "mom jeans", a sweatshirt that's about 4 sizes too big, and I smell a little bit like sour milk. 

I love my life. 

I wouldn't trade it for anything. 

Back to bouncing and Internet surfing. 


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