Tootsies & 'Tards

Well I'm essentially one week in at my new job.  And while the job itself isn't too difficult, the whole standing for hours thing is proving to be a great challenge.  I've sat on my behind for pretty much all of the last five years behind the wheel of one vehicle or another and now my feet are retaliating against me putting them to use.  I hope they adjust, but something tells me it's gonna take a long while for that to happen. 

I went to the drug store and purchased two different kinds of shoe inserts to see if they might help alleviate some of my suffering, but so far no dice.  I am trying the Dr. Scholl's kind specifically for heel pain first.  Then I got another from the same company for three point relief that if these heel ones don't start helping I'll switch to and give them a shot.  Something tells me that I may just have to suffer.  Payback for being a lazy trucker.

I'll be on my feet a good bit today here at home on my day off as I plan to tackle some more cleaning that needs to be done before we hit the paint buckets either this weekend or next.  But here, I can take breaks and put my feet up and watch some Netflix when the going gets tough.  I can't do that at work.  Well, I guess I could but I'd expect to be fired promptly for it.

 I really hope we don't lose power today either, seeing as there is about two inches of snow on the ground and everyone out driving around appears to just be crashing into things instead of trying to be safe.  I fully expect a downed power line because of their reckless abandon (or sheer stupidity, whichever the case may be). 

I'll never understand why people think they can just hop in their cars and go like it's a bright and clear sunny summer day when there is snow on the ground.  And then there are the 4-wheel drive warriors with their sparkly garage kept SUV's that get out there and assume that since they have 4-wheel drive they can do anything and are therefore impervious to any of the possible dangers on the roads.  It's usually those folks that you see spun around in the median, off the shoulder in a ditch, or creating problems in general. 

My thinking is that if you get in your car and say to yourself, "it's just a little snow and ice, I'm a great driver and can do this with no problem", you should probably get out and go back inside your house and sit until the snow and ice melts.  You have to be a little scared and worried if you're going to really respect the conditions created by Mother Nature. 

If you get in your car and say "man, this is gonna be a real challenge, are my tires properly inflated? do I have enough antifreeze and windshield wiper fluid? do I have my survival kit with food, blankets and water in the trunk? is my cell phone charged so if I get stuck somewhere I can call my loved ones and let them know I'm okay? should I maybe just call my boss and say I'm taking a sick day and stay home and not risk it?".... then you're ready and responsible enough to be behind the wheel of the car.

And as I type this some idiot is out in the street revving his/her engine and will probably be the next to run into something and require a tow truck and emergency services. 

I swear.  UGH.  I'm glad I haven't a need to go out today.  I weathered the rain yesterday to get some essentials (including mint chocolate chip ice cream) at the grocery store.

Comments said…
try a place called ideal feet....they say it works when know other supports work...

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