
Showing posts from August, 2010

Aww, Crap...

I'm adjusting pretty well to life after Facebook. It was tough, those first 48 hours or so. I kept picking up my iPhone, wondering what on Earth I would use it for now. Then I downloaded the game app Angry Birds... too much fun I tell ya! Actually though I'm finding that the battery life on my iPhone has greatly increased on a day to day basis since I'm not constantly logging on to check and post crap all over FB. And when I had a load that took me through the house yesterday, I wasn't getting annoyed glares from my fiance while sitting at the dinner table. Used to be I'd peek over the iPhone and see him glowering. ;o) I did sneak though the house, well not really sneak, I asked for a load through the house for an appointment I wanted to make (and then keep). It was successful. Making and keeping the appointment that is. The outcome of said appointment is as of yet to be determined. But I'm optimistic. I'll talk about it at a future time, I'm s...

Farewell Facebook

It's been a long time coming. I finally deleted my Facebook account. Its a relief really. I know there are people sitting there thinking, wtf is wrong with this girl?! But whatever... my decision, happily made. Perhaps now I can stop wasting time and energy and get something constructive, creative and more satisfying accomplished! So for those of you who had been fans, I'm sorry. I'm not completely sure that the "fan" page will go away with the deletion of my account, but if not you'll soon notice that it isn't being updated any longer and hopefully remove it from your list of pages. Which reminds me that I'll need to update my website to remove the "fan me" links and such. Ugh, it's never over, really, is it? haha I thought I'd never actually give up Facebook, or social network sites in general. But around this time last year I deleted my MySpace account, which was liberating. And ever since I've been itching to give up F...