Thoughts and Observations
The stock market is on very shaky ground. Polar bears are starving and therefore being forced to become cannibals. And Clay Aiken finally admits that he's gay in an upcoming magazine interview. The world MUST be coming to and end. I've suspected that the end of the world is near for about the past twenty years or so. Not only because those crazy loons on the street corners hold signs up stating that we should all "be prepared for the end is near"! No my friends... the reason I know that the world is nearing the end of times is because well... I said so. So since the world is ending, I guess the best thing to do then is just lie quietly on the floor with a paper bag over your head until the end. Can you tell I'm irritable? I haven't been sleeping very well thanks to this allergy/cold/sinus crap I've had now for over a week. And for some strange reason I've felt compelled to pay attention to the current goings on in the news media. Which just ma...